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IMG_0370 副本黄蕾,南京大学环境学院博士、副教授,2005年至今在南京大学环境学院任教。2007-2008年多次赴意大利都灵理工大学资源与环境学院访问学习,2011年5-6月在美国Emory University公共卫生学院访问学习,2014年8月作为访问学者赴美国Columbia University地学部LDEO环境健康暴露评估中心交流学习一年。主要从事环境风险分析与管理、人群健康风险评估和公众环境风险接受水平研究。开设本科生课程《环境风险管理》、中美中心研究生课程《环境风险评价与管理》。发表各类学术论文近百篇,在 SCI /SSCI收录的第一作者/通讯作者学术论文33篇,其中包括在PNAS、ES&T、Scientific Report、Energy Policy等国际一流刊物上发表。2012年获省部级科技进步一等奖,2014年获中国环境科学学会青年科技奖。


南京市栖霞区仙林大道163号,南京大学环境学院B226室, 025-89680535
Email: huanglei@nju.edu.cn 





2014/8-至今,Columbia University地学LDEO环境健康暴露评估中心,访问学者




1. 重金属污染对区域人群健康的影响及风险评估与调控研究,国家自然科学基金面上连续资助项目,41271014,2013-2016. 负责人
2. 最大可接受环境风险水平区域差异和影响因素研究,国家基金国际合作交流,412101012, 2012. 负责人
3. 最大可接受环境风险水平估算及区域差异性研究,国家自然科学青年基金, 2010-2012. 负责人
4. 发达地区重金属污染对人群健康的影响及风险研究,江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,BK2012733,2012.7-2015.6. 负责人
5. 流域环境风险预警系统研究,江苏省环境监测科研基金项目,0916,2009-2010. 负责人
6. 典型化工区化学品风险甄别与控制综合示范,863计划重大项目,2013AA06A309, 2013/01-2015/12,子课题负责人
7. 区域重金属污染的健康风险监测与评估技术研究,江苏省科技支撑计划,BE2013720,2013-2016,子课题负责人
8. 水环境监测资源优化分工合作机制研究,水专项,2009ZX07527-008,2010-2011. 子课题负责人
9. 流域水环境风险评估与预警技术项目,水专项,2009ZX07528-005,2009-2011.
10.重大环境污染事故应急技术集成研究(2007AA06A419),863重大项目 “重大环境污染事件应急技术系统研究开发与应用示范”课题,2009-2011.


1.         Lei Huang, Ying Zhou, Yuting Han, Jun Bi*. The effect of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident on the Risk Perception of Residents near a Nuclear Power Plant in China. PNAS, 2013, 110(49):19742-19747. SCI
2.         Hong Sun*, Wen ChenDongyue WangYinlong JinXiaodong ChenYan XuaLei Huang*, Inverse association between intelligence quotient and urinary retinol binding protein in Chinese school-age children with low blood lead levels: Results from a cross-sectional investigation. Chemosphere, 2015, 128, 155–160
3.         Liao Q. Lin, Liu Cong, Wu H. Yun, Jin Yang, Hua Ming, Zhu B. Wan, Chen Kai, Huang Lei*. Association of soil cadmium contamination with ceramic industry: A case study in a Chinese town. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 514, 26–32
4.         Kai Chen1, Lei Huang1, Lian Zhou, Zongwei Ma, Jun Bi*Tiantian Li*. Spatial analysis of the effect of the 2010 heat wave on stroke mortality in Nanjing, China, Scientific Report. 2015, DOI: 10.1038/srep10816
5.         Kai Chen, Lei Huang*,Beizhan Yan, Hongbo Li, Hong Sun, and Jun Bi. Effect of Lead Pollution Control on Environmental and Childhood Blood Lead Level in Nantong, China: An Interventional Study. Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48 (21), 12930–12936
6.         Hong-Bo LiKai ChenAlbert L JuhaszLei Huang*, Lena Q Ma*. Childhood Lead Exposure in an Industrial Town in China: Coupling Stable Isotope Ratios with Bioaccessible Lead. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, DOI: 10.1021/es5060622
7.         Chen, Kai; Liao, QiLin; Ma, ZongWei; Jin, Yang; Hua, Ming; Bi, Jun; Huang, Lei*. Association of soil arsenic and nickel exposure with cancer mortality rates, a township-scale ecological study in Suzhou, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI 10.1007/s11356-014-3790-y..
8.         Chen, Kai; Bi, Jun; Chen, Jin; Chen, Xiaodong; Huang, Lei*; Zhou, Lian. Influence of heat wave definitions to the added effect of heat waves on daily mortality in Nanjing, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 506-507, 18-25.
9.         Lei Huang*, Haiyun Wu, Tsering Jan van der Kuijp. The health effects of exposure to arsenic-contaminated drinking water: a review by global geographical distribution. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 2015, 25(4), 432-452
10.     Zongwei Ma • Tiantian Li • Changsheng Qu • Jun Bi • Lei Huang* Evaluation and source identification of trace element contamination of soils in the Qixia lead-zinc mining area, Jiangsu, China,  Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2014, 14(10): 1703-1712.
11.     Lei Huang*,Weiliang Bao, Kai Chen, Jun Bi. The comparison analysis of Chinese public perception of earthquakes on different time scales. Natural Hazards, 2014, 73(2): 613-625.
12.     Lei Huang*, Xuwen Chen, Jie Ban, Fengying Li, Juan Gao, Jun Bi. A framework for fuzzy evaluation of emergency responses to chemical leakage accidents. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 2014.
13.     ZhiyuanLi, ZongweiMa, TseringJan van der Kuijp, ZengweiYuan, Lei Huang*. A review of soil heavy metal pollution from mines in China: Pollution and health risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 486(469):843-853.
14.     Chen, Q., Qian Jia, Zengwei Yuan*, Lei Huang*, Environmental risk source management system for the petrochemical industry. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2014, 92(3): 251-260.
15.     Chen kai, Yang HaiBing, Ma Zongwei, Bi Jun, Huang Lei*. Influence of temperature to the short-term effects of various ozone metrics on daily mortality in Suzhou, China. Atmospheric Environment, 2013, 79: 119-128.
16.     Tsering Jan van der Kuijip, Lei Huang* and Christopher R Cherry. Health hazards of China’s lead-acid battery industry: a review of its market drivers, production processes, and health impacts. Environmental Health, 2013, 12: 61-71.
17.     Lei Huang, Jie Ban, Jun Bi* et al., Multi-angle indicators system of non-point pollution source assessment in rural areas: A case study near Taihu Lake. Environmental management, 2013, 51(4):939-950.
18.     Lei Huang, Zengwei Yuan* et al., Public demand for remediating a local ecosystem: comparing WTP and WTA at Hongze Lake, China. Lake and Reservoir Management. 2013, 29: 23-32.
19.     Lei Huang, Yuting Han, Ying Zhou , Heinz Gutscher, Jun Bi. How Do the Chinese Perceive Ecological Risk in Freshwater Lakes? PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(5): 1-12.
20.     Zengwei Yuan, Yanan Zhu, Junkui Shi, Xin Liu and Lei Huang*. Life-cycle assessment of continuous pad-dyeing technology for cotton fabrics. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2013, 18(3): 659-672.
21.     Lei Huang, Jie Ban, Kai Sun, Yuting Han, Zengwei Yuan*, Jun Bi*. The influence of public perception on risk acceptance of the chemical industry and the assistance for risk communication. Safety Science, 2013, 51: 232-240.
22.     Zongwei Ma, Kai Chen, Zengwei Yuan, Jun Bi*, and Lei Huang*. Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in surface sediments of six major Chinese freshwater lakes. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2013, 42(2): 341-350.
23.     Chang-Sheng Qu, Zong-Wei Ma, Jin Yang, Yang Liu, Jun Bi*, Lei Huang*. Human exposure pathways of heavy metals in a lead-zinc mining area, Jiangsu Province, China. PLOs One, 2012, 7(11): 1-11.
24.     Wei Yu, Roberto Pagani, Lei Huang*. CO2 emission inventories for Chinese cities in highly urbanized areas compared with European cities. Energy Policy, 2012, 47: 298-308.
25.     Changsheng Qu, Kai Sun, Surong Wang, Lei Huang*, and Jun Bi. Monte Carlo Simulation-based Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal Soil Pollution - A Case Study in the Qixia Mining Area, China. Human & Ecological Risk Assessment. 2012, 18(4): 733-750.
26.     Ling Zhang, Zengwei Yuan*, Jun Bi and Lei Huang*. Estimating future generation of obsolete household appliances in China. Waste Management & Research, 2012, 30(11):1160-1168.
27.     Lei HUANG, Zhijuan SHAO, Weiliang BAO, Bailing DUAN, Jun BI*. The influencing factors of the WTP for the risk reduction of chemical industry accidents in China. Frontiers of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, 2012, 6(6): 860-868.
28.     Lei Huang, Wenbo Wan, Fengying Li, Bing Li, Jie Yang, Jun Bi. A Two-Scale System to Identify Environmental Risk of Chemical Industry Clusters. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 186(1): 247-255.
29.     Jie Yang, Fengying Li, Jingbo Zhou, Ling Zhang, Lei Huang*, Jun Bi*. A Survey on Hazardous Materials Accidents During Road Transport in China from 2000 to 2008. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 184(1-3):647-653.
30.     Lei Huang, Bailing Duan, Jun Bi, Zengwei Yuan, Jie Ban. Analysis of Determining Factors of the Public’s Risk Acceptance Level in China. Human & Ecological Risk Assessment. 2010, 16(2):365-380.
31.     Lei Huang, Kai Sun, Jie Ban, Jun Bi. Public Perception of Blue-Algae Bloom Risk in Hongze Lake of China. Environmental management, 2010, 45(5):1065-1075.
32.     Lei Huang, Jun Bi, Bing Zhang, Fengying Li, Changsheng Qu. Perception of People for the Risk of Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant. Frontiers of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, 2010, 4(1):73-81.
33.     Lei Huang, Jianping Zhai. Nutrient Removal Ability and Resistance of Five Hydrophytes under Low-temperature Conditions. International Journal of Environment and Pollution. 2010, 42(4):388-398.



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