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1. 2013,国家技术发明二等奖,污染物微生物净化增强技术新方法及应用,第四完成人
2. 2012,江苏省科学技术一等奖,大型高效厌氧反应器关键技术及应用,第五完成人
3. 2015,江苏省科学技术一等奖,工业废水深度处理与分质再生新技术及应用,第二完成人

主持的科研项目 (2011~2015)

1. 国家自然科学基金 (21677071)—污水处理系统双氯芬酸的迁移转化特征及净化机制, 2017-2020
2. 国家自然科学基金 (51278241)—典型污水处理系统抗生素抗性基因的传播特征与控制研究, 2013-2016
3. 国家自然科学基金 (21077051)—水环境中低价磷酸盐的环境行为及生物可利用性, 2010-2012
4. 863子课题(2012AA063407)—废水生物处理废旧生物填料活化再生关键技术及装备研发,2012-2015
5. 江苏省六大人才高峰项目 (BK2011057)—污水氮磷深度净化技术研发与应用, 2015-2017
6. 江苏省自然科学基金 (BK20161474)—污水处理系统人工甜味剂的环境行为与控制研究, 2016-2019


1. Zhang, Y.Y.; Zhuang Y.; Geng, J.J.*; Ren, H.Q., Xu, K., Ding, L.L. Reduction of antibiotic resistance genes in municipal wastewater effluent by advanced oxidation processes. Science of Total Environment. 2016, 550, 184-191.
2. Qiu, H.M.; Geng, J.J.*; Ren, H.Q.;Xu Z.Y. Phosphite flux at the sediment-water interface in northern Lake Taihu. Science of Total Environment. 2016, 543: 67-74.
3. Zhang, Y.Y.; Zhuang Y.; Geng, J.J.*; Reng, H.Q. Inactivation of antibiotic resistance genes in municipal wastewater effluent by chlorination and sequential UV/chlorination disinfection. Science of Total Environment, 2015, 512-513: 125-132.
4. Qiu, H.M.; Geng, J.J.*; Shen, C.Y.; Ren, H.Q, Xu, Z.Y. Aquatic photooxidation of phosphite in the presence of ferric and oxalate ions. Chemical Engineering Journal,2015,269:408-415.
5. Du, J.; Geng, J.J.*; Ren, H.Q.*; Ding, L.L.; Xu, K.; Zhang, Y. Variation of antibiotic resistance genes in municipal wastewater treatment plant with A2O-MBR system. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22:3715–3726.
6. Yu, X.R.; Geng, J.J.*; Ren, H.Q.; Han, C.; Qiu, H.M. Determination of phosphite in a full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plant. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2015, 17, 441- 447.
7. Du, J.; Ren, H.Q.*; Geng, J.J.*; Zhang, Y.; Xu, K.; Ding, L.L. Occurrence of tetracycline, sulfonamide resistance genes and class 1 Integron in five typical wastewater treatment plants. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21: 7276-7284.
8. Han, C.; Geng, J.J.*; Ren, H.Q.; Gao, S.X.; Xie, X.C.; Wang, X.R. Phosphite in sedimentary interstitial water of Lake Taihu, a large eutrophic shallow lake in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47: 5679–5685.
9. Qiu, H.M.; Geng, J.J.*; Ren, H.Q.; Xia, X.M.; Wang, X.R.; Yu, Y. Physiological and biochemical responses of Microcystis aeruginosa to glyphosate and its Roundup? formulation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 248-249: 172-176.
10. Han, C.; Geng, J.J.*; Xie, X.C.; Wang, X.R.; Ren, H.Q.; Gao, S.X. Determination of phosphite in a eutrophic freshwater lake by suppressed conductivity ion chromatography. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46: 10667-10674.
11. Han, C.; Geng, J.J.*; Hong, Y.N.; Zhang, R.; Gu, X.Y.; Wang, X.R.; Gao, S.X.; Glindemann, D. Free atmospheric phosphine concentrations and fluxes in different wetland ecosystems, China. Environmental Pollution,2011, 159: 630-635.
12. Han, C.; Geng, J.J.*; Zhang, J.; Wang, X.R.; Gao, S.X. Phosphine migration at the water–air interface in Lake Taihu, China. Chemosphere, 2011, 82: 935-939.
13. Han, C.; Geng, J.J.*; Zhang, R.; Wang, X.R.; Gao, S.X. Matrix-bound phosphine and phosphorus fractions in the paddy soils. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2011, 13: 844-849.


任洪强,耿金菊,何宁. 发酵生态工程,中国化学工业出版社,2012.


1. Jinju GENG,Hongqiang REN. Method for removing genes encoding antibiotic resistance in waste water. 美国发明专利号:US9090489 B2
2. 耿金菊,任洪强,许柯,丁丽丽,黄辉. 一种悬浮老化生物膜填料修复再生方法. 专利号:ZL201410734593.4
3. 耿金菊,任洪强,丁丽丽,许柯. 一种废水深度脱氮工艺. 专利号:ZL201210451145.4
4. 耿金菊,任洪强,许柯,丁丽丽. 一种厌氧-好氧-微生物絮凝强化处理废水的方法. 专利号:ZL201410213250.3
5. 耿金菊,任洪强. 一种反硝化滤池系统及其过滤方法. 专利号:ZL201310229022.0
6. 耿金菊, 任洪强, 许柯, 丁丽丽. 一种印染尾水深度处理回用工艺. 专利号:ZL201210022829.2
7. 耿金菊,任洪强. 一种去除污水中抗生素抗性基因的方法. 专利号:ZL201210086161.8
8. 耿金菊, 任洪强, 许柯, 丁丽丽.一种去除水源水中抗生素抗性基因的方法. 专利号:ZL201210451172.1
9. 耿金菊,任洪强. 一种污水处理厂污泥中病原微生物的削减方法. 专利号:ZL201210038805.6

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